Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Carmex Click Sticks in Lime & Vanilla

For some people, a lip balm can be a very expensive affair to find the one that is just right for you. I've been lucky and have found my perfect lipbalm which I've stuck to for over ten years. I may try out new lip balms but I always go back to Carmex simply because it's by far the best for me.

Carmex hasn't been available long in the UK so whenever we used to go to America, we would buy a fair amount back with us to last until our next trip out. Nowadays, you can go round a supermarket and guaranteed it will be there in either its little yellow pot or squeezy tube. But, if you're really lucky, you may just find it in it's click stick version. Maybe not so in its new flavours.

Carmex Lime is the one that I was most excited about purely because I have a little obsession with anything smelling of lime right now. Unlike the original click stick, Carmex Lime is a yellowish green looking colour but don't let that put you off! Whilst sniffing this as you do, I could very faintly smell Lime which was being overpowered by the Carmex original smell. It's only when you apply it, that the Lime Twist really kicks in. The tingling sensation is still there but its not so much which may appeal to people who originally hated it. However, it's when you lick your lips after applying this, that you can then taste the lime. I must admit, it is very faint but it's better tasting than the original carmex.

Carmex Vanilla is the one which definitely beats Carmex Lime on the smelling front. On first sniffs, instead of smelling the strong carmex smell, you're greeted with a nice whiff of vanilla - not real vanilla but more of a candy version. Once applied, I didn't find it to have a tingling sensation which may appeal more to people than the Lime version. On the taste test, you can definitely taste vanilla which dilutes the carmex taste. This overall makes it more edible as it were.

Have you tried Carmex's new click sticks in Vanilla and/or Lime?


  1. Mm the vanilla one sounds yummy :)

    Sophierosehearts x

  2. These sound great, I love Carmex, been using it for years xx

    1. I've been using Carmex too for years and I still can't get enough of the stuf :) xo

  3. They both sound lovely. :) I love scented lip balms. Makes a change from the regular cherry Carmex smell. xx

    1. Haha! The cherry ones aren't actually Carmex's original smell - it's just a scent they brought out because quite a few people didn't like the original scent xo

  4. They both sound so yum, especially the lime! Great review, I'm wanting these two now :)


    1. Hopefully they'll be able to buy in the UK :) xo

  5. I use these versions of Carmex, which I usually get from eBay, and I LOVE them! x

    1. I love them too although I prefer the tube versions of the original xo
