Monday, 21 January 2013

Schwarzkopf Gliss Asia Straight Shampoo & Conditioner

In a bid to start taking care of my hair, I've started taking up various steps such as using hair masks weekly and avoiding heat at all costs unless really necessary. Another step that I've taken up is using shampoos and conditioners which are suitable enough for my hair as it is rather dry and damaged. One combination that I've started using recently is the Schwarzkopf Gliss Asia Straight Shampoo & Condtioner which promises to turn rebellious, frizzy hair into more straighter, managable hair.

Schwarzkopf claims that the new formula which contains liquid keratin specifically targets and repairs damaged areas on the surface and deep inside the hair. The straightening formula contains bamboo and orchid essence which not only helps to keep your hair straighter but also adds intense shine.

I've been using these two products non stop for the past two weeks to see if they do live up to what they claim and I must admit that the results are definitely noticeable. My hair seems to dry quicker after using these and I don't feel the need to apply a hair oil to my ends as they seem to feel rather nourished after used. I've also noticed that my hair seems to be a lot more straighter than normal which means that I now feel more comfortable letting my hair down. Although my hair may be a lot straighter than before whilst using this combination, I wouldn't say that it adds intense shine to it which personally, doesn't bother me. The only downside I have about these two products, mainly the conditioner, is that if you use too much especially near the roots then you will end up with rather greasy hair.

I personally picked these two up from Poundland so it may be worth checking out your local store. If not, then try eBaying it.


  1. Wow these sound fab! Can't believe you found them in poundland! xo

    1. It's amazing the things that you can find in Poundland these days :) xo
