Thursday, 1 August 2013

July Favourities

The Lacura Aqua-Complete Multi Intensive Serum is something that I've only recently got my mitts on, within the last two weeks actually but its fast becoming one of my favourite serums. I actually spotted this on Terri Lowes' IG about three weeks ago and she's done a smashing review on it here. One of the real reasons why I picked this up is because one of its key ingredients is Hyaluronic Acid which is why Hydraluron is one of Indeed Labs most raved about products as well as one of Caroline Hirons favourite products. I simply don't have a spare £25 laying about so I like to think of this as the cheaper alternative. In terms of hydration, it leaves my skin feeling pumped up and ready for the day. I find that my moisturiser/serum sinks in a lot better and that make up applies a hell of a lot better than before!

It seems to be that in most of my monthly favourites posts, I seem to have a lip product featured in them and July is no exception! The Simple Essential Lip Balm* has been on my lips all day, every day ever since it came through my letter box. It leaves my lips feeling moisturised and softer and I even think this is in some ways better than my beloved eos lip balms.

For the majority of July, I've been sporting Confetti nails in a variety of colours and this is all Jess's fault! I received the L'Oreal Confetti Top Coat in our Summer Beauty Swap which was arranged by Kat from Tales Of A Pale Face. It's just a lot of confetti shaped glitter in a clear top coat which makes any nail colour eye catching and unique. Although the bottle looks rather full, I can promise you that it is almost on its last legs as I've used it that much!

My last favourite of the month is the Macadamia Healing Oil Treatment which I received in my #NottsBBMeet Goodie Bag back in April. I've been using after I've washed my hair to help nourish the ends and it's worked wonders! It's made my hair feel a lot softer and it has helped tamed it. Ever since I got my hair cut almost three weeks ago, I've noticed how much this transforms my hair. If it wasn't so expensive, I would definitely buy this in full size but for now it will be put on my Christmas Wish List and I'll continue using my Organix Macadamia Oil.

What products have you been loving throughout July?


  1. I've been using the multi-active serum for months & it's amazing, such a bargain too!!

    Sarah |

  2. I really need to get L'Oreal confetti in my life!

    Charlotte xo
